Coil Straightener Feeder

LCC HF1 Series

A universal series lineup, responding precisely to a wide variety of needs. The Reliable Best Seller, the LCC HF series.

◆The surrounding work area has been increased by reducing the system’s dimension as much as possible.
◆As standard equipment, it comes with 2 sets of entry coil width vertical guide rollers.
◆Feed roll pressure is easily adjusted by using an air cylinder.

    • 1. Large straightening roll adjustment wheels

      The LCC HF1 includes a large handwheel for straightening roll adjustment, featuring easy-to-read indicators for improved repeatability.

    • 2. Ease of maintenance

      An opening at the top of the straighter ensures that the LCC HF1 is easy to maintain and clean. An alligator head is optional.

    • 3. Controllers

      Our original TP-CSS control systems offer complete operating systems designed to optimize production efficiency, planning and maintenance.

    • 4. Eco Release

      The LCC HF1 coil straightener-feeder also features an energy-saving roll lift mechanism with auto-control of pneumatic cylinder pressure for material straightening. This enables optimization according to stock thickness, achieving energy-savings of between 30% and 50%.

  • ModelLCC04HF1LCC05HF1LCC06HF1
    Stock WidthInch 1~15 1~19 1~23
    Stock ThicknessInch 0.012~0.126 0.012~0.126 0.012~0.126
    MAX.Coil MassLb *2 5,512 *2 4,410 *2 3,307
    MAX.Coil O.D.Inch 47 47 47
    Coil I.D.Inch 20 20 20
    Feed LengthInch *1 ~15 *1 ~15 *1 ~15
    MAX.Line SpeedFt/min 52 52 52
    Work Roll Number upper4/lower3 upper4/lower3 upper4/lower3
    Main Motor(kw) AC2.0 AC2.0 AC2.0
    Mandrel Expansion *2 by Manual(Pneumatic) *2 by Manual(Pneumatic) *2 by Manual(Pneumatic)
    Reel Motor(kw) 0.75 0.75 0.75
    Power(V) 200/220 200/220 200/220
    Operating AirPSI 71 71 71

    *1:In case Feeding Length exceeding Specification, MASTER CONTROL Function (Option) must be provided.
    *2:(Pneumatic):Option in case of Pneumatic mandrel expansion is provided, refer to coil weight in ( ).


  • Stock ThicknessLCC04HF1LCC05HF1LCC06HF1
    0.3 400 500 600
    1.4 560
    1.6 470 470
    1.8 370 370 370
    2.0 300 300 300
    2.3 230 230 230
    2.5 190 190 190
    2.8 150 150 150
    3.2 110 110 110

    ※The unit in the above table is represented in millimeters.
    ※The above figures are for the material having yield strength of 245N/mm2 max(tensile strength of 392N/mm2).