SDEW-2025 Digital AC 2-point Servo Press and TP-FX Series Single Crank Press
Case Study: Tandem Stamping Line
Models: SDEW 2025 Direct Drive AC Servo Press; TP-FX Series Single Crank Press
Issue: For many Tier 1 automotive component manufacturers, processing requires the use of large transfer presses that can range from 800 to 1,200 tons.
For our client, however, the cost and time related to operating and maintaining such a system seemed untenable, especially considering that the production quality isn't always stable.
For our client, however, the cost and time related to operating and maintaining such a system seemed untenable, especially considering that the production quality isn't always stable.
Our Solution: Our client uses a total of 11 tandem stamping lines composed of SDEW 2025 Direct Drive AC Servo Presses and TP-FX Series Single Crank Presses. Not only is this system a cost and time saving measure, using the exclusive motion control of the Servo press has meant no more defects and faster processing speeds.