LCC GD/GD2 Series Coil Straightener-Feeder

LCC GD/GD2 Series Coil Straightener-Feeder

Case Study: Straightener-Feeder for Fine Blanking Parts

Model: LCC GD/GD2 Series Coil Straightener-Feeder

Issue: The client produces fine blanking parts and molds for the automotive, agricultural, and general industrial machinery industries. It has blanking press machinery that ranges from 100 to 650 tons and requires high precision while seeking to conserve resources and keep costs at a minimum. 

Our Solution: Using the LCC GD/GD2 Coil Straighter-Feeder at one of their plants, the client is able to handle stock thickness up to 12mm, saving space during the fine blanking process and managing straightening adjustment values.