
SDEW Series Direct-Drive Servo Press

Case Study: Automotive Supplier in need of a Trustworthy Press

Model: SDEW Series Direct-Drive Servo Press

Our Client: A tier-one supplier of a major automobile manufacturer, this company engages in trial production, mold design and production, and mass production of automotive metal parts. Its primary products are brackets used in car bodies, interiors, electrical equipment, engines, and suspensions, and its monthly production volume is around seven million pieces.

The Issue: Our client used a C-frame press machine for its mold production. According to the company president, “The C-frame had a large frame distortion when a load was applied, and it was difficult to obtain the accuracy during the press.” The load also led to numerous cracks in the die plate, which in turn meant high repair costs.

In addition, in the face of an ever-changing automobile industry in need of more efficiently produced parts, our client wanted to try a different process.

Our Solution: The SDEW Series Direct -Drive Servo Press offers the high productivity and stability our client was looking for. The servo press doesn’t cause the vibration or noise of the C-frame press, nor does it lead to the costly die cracks. The effect of the pendulum motion increased productivity by 20%.